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Esta subalternidad por ende no tiene
Esta subalternidad, por ende, no tiene referente estable pero tampoco es una abstracción relativa, de manera que los grupos reprimidos históricamente, entre ellos ciertas razas, proveen ejemplos ineludibles pero no exentos de su propio exceso. De manera que todo planteamiento anclado en la identidad
br Hacia un monote smo ta
Hacia un monoteísmo taíno Debido al hecho de que la irreductible diversidad de los cemíes parece demasiado peligrosa para ser comparada con la noción antigua de divinidad, la Relación trata de proponer, aunque de manera discreta, otra forma de interpretación: es decir, la búsqueda de las huellas
En cuanto a la Accountability horizontal Przeworski plante
En cuanto a la Accountability horizontal, Przeworski planteó que O’Donnell utilizaba el concepto para referirse a que en América Latina las relaciones interinstitucionales, los pesos y contrapesos entre poderes e instancias del Estado eran débiles, por lo cual se terminaban delegando las decisiones
Una condici n sine qua non es
Una condición sine qua non es la institucionalización de la autonomía de las fuerzas armadas respecto del poder civil, un rasgo específico, del militarismo latinoamericano que ha hecho del Estado de excepción, la norma. En Guatemala, la misma se remonta sorafenib tosylate la Constitución de 1945 y a
En Latinoam rica donde se presentan intentos de fundar ident
En Latinoamérica, donde se presentan intentos de fundar identidades regionales o nacionales que ejerzan contrapeso buy JWH 073 los embates de homogeneización cultural, han aparecido diversos criterios relacionados con políticas universalistas o con el cosmopolitismo. Estos criterios sustentaron infl
br We have concerns about both the
We have concerns about both the accuracy and underlying rationale of Eugene Richardson and colleagues\' Comment about the “Ebola suspect\'s dilemma”. The authors quote a nosocomial infection rate of “around 25%” for individuals admitted to Ebola treatment facilities without Ebola virus disease. Ho
Heat shock proteins HSPs function as
Heat shock proteins (HSPs) function as molecular chaperones for various proteins and exhibit cytoprotective roles during several cellular stresses [8]. Human HSPs are classified into categories based on their molecular sizes, namely, HSP100, HSP90, HSP70, HSP60, HSP40, and small HSPs (15–30 kDa) inc
Introduction Acute acalculous cholecystitis ACC is defined a
Introduction Acute acalculous cholecystitis (ACC) is defined as an acute necroinflammatory disease of the gallbladder in the absence of cholelithiasis and has a multifactorial pathogenesis [1]. ACC has very rarely been described in patients undergoing myelosuppressive chemotherapy for acute myelobl
WHO estimates that of people with
WHO estimates that 30–50% of people with tuberculosis are untreated, in part because of underdiagnosis. Patients with undiagnosed (or diagnosed and untreated) tuberculosis are most likely to transmit infection, so strategies to reduce disease burden should focus on improving the pathway to care for
br Comments Fig shows regular narrow QRS tachycardia with ap
Comments Fig. 1 shows regular narrow QRS tachycardia with approximate niclosamide rate of 130/min; ST elevations were recognized in leads V1–V4 and P wave appeared to be recorded by lead V1, but the other leads recorded positive large waves before each QRS complex. When observing an electrocardio
Common and rare SCN A variants may contribute to AF
Common and rare SCN10A variants may contribute to AF susceptibility [59,60]. SCN10A mutations (R14L and R1268Q) cause a loss of function of Nav1.5 current, which is expected to reduce excitability and lead to the development of the arrhythmogenic substrate responsible for BrS and AF. A common varian
Poco despu s el de julio y
Poco después, el 19 de julio (y reimpreso en al menos siete números siguientes), se publica en la última página del mismo diario un anuncio donde de nuevo figura la América poética, esta vez entre las novedades de la mencionada librería. La acompañan ahora La guerra de las mujeres (1845) de Alejandr
br Autophagy and lipid metabolism LD formation is
Autophagy and lipid metabolism LD formation is an indispensable step in lipid metabolism. The Atg8/LC3 conjugation system is essential for autophagosome membrane formation. However, some evidence suggests that Atg8/LC3 conjugation is also involved in LD formation. Indeed, LD formation is suppress
br Discussion HIV testing and linkage to
Discussion HIV testing and linkage to care are essential for fighting the HIV epidemic, and evidence-based methods for increasing coverage of testing and accelerating linkage to care are needed. We report that abbreviated counselling was as effective as full length counselling in reducing sexual
In the trial by Arrossi and colleagues
In the trial by Arrossi and colleagues in Argentina, ap1 health workers randomly allocated to the intervention group delivered self-collection kits to women at their homes during routine visits, instructed women on how to obtain a cervicovaginal sample for HPV testing, and transported the gathered
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