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br Las fuerzas Impulsoras de la Internacionalizaci
Las fuerzas Impulsoras de la Internacionalización de la ciencia y la technología en América latina Los eLementos indicativos de la internacionalizacion de la ciencia y la tecnología en América Latina Debates ytensiones en torno de la internacionalización de la ciencia y la technología en Amé
br Contribution br Acknowledgments and
Contribution Acknowledgments and disclosures Introduction Following HSCT a complex immune reconstitution (IR) is observed. When the infused CD34+cells (CD34+i) begin to proliferate, an increase in peripheral blood sglt-2 is detected. Lymphocytes require more time than granulocytes in order
Findings Overall households reported positive
Findings Overall, 8693 (71·02 %) households reported positive expenditure on tobacco (smoking, smokeless, or both), and were classified as any-tobacco users. Of these 8693 households, 2061 (16·8%) used smoking tobacco only, 3284 (26·8%) used smokeless tobacco only, and 3348 (27·4%) used both. After
There was no significant correlation between the tHcy level
There was no significant correlation between the tHcy level and RBC folate level; therefore, we used two-way ANOVA to analyze the relative contributions of serum folate, the C677T genotype, and vitamin B12 to variations in tHcy concentrations. Intervention studies in humans taking folate and/or vita
In a study of the atrial
In a study of the atrial pacing preference (APP) algorithm, Ogawa et al. [12] randomly programmed pacemakers as APP OFF and APP ON at 3 different settings (8, 16, and 33 cycles). The authors found that the most effective setting differed according to the patient and thus concluded that this therapy
br Associated heart disease in children with
Associated Ion Channel Compound Library disease in children with ICD implantations In a multicenter ICD registry of 443 patients [8], 69% of the patients had CHD and 23% had cardiomyopathy. The most common heart disease was tetralogy of Fallot (19%), followed by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (14%)
The IntellaTip Mifi catheter has been shown to delineate loc
The IntellaTip Mifi catheter has been shown to delineate local electograms better in the isthmus than the conventional bipolar electrode during atrial flutter ablation. The signal amplitude in the mini-electrodes has been noted to be higher than that of the conventional bipolar catheter. This has en
Por otro lado cabe subrayar que esta eleg a de
Por otro lado, cabe subrayar que esta “elegía” de Pellicer se asemeja al género precolombino del icnocuicatl, los “Canto[s] de desolación, de orfandad” (Garibay 1992: 89). Según Garibay, estos cantos precolombinos “tienen parentesco con las elegías […] de los poetas de Occidente, en que se canta la
Con respecto de la importancia del periodo colonial
Con respecto de la importancia del periodo colonial, hay dos ideas en sus reflexiones que quisiera rescatar: la primera es su consideración de esta época como el de la sociedad mexicana, pues es en esta etapa cuando se produce la “creación de una nueva sociedad”, cuyo desarrollo “presenta un materia
Cost effectiveness is another major concern for the
Cost effectiveness is another major concern for the governments in countries with public health system. Van-den Hout WB et al. at Netherlands [7] did a cost utility analysis showing the cost of radiation treatment including re-treatment for bone metastases using SF versus MF were €2438 versus €3311
The ability of tumors to progress to
The ability of tumors to progress to more malignant phenotypes depends on tumor microenvironment. Blood capillaries, made up of endothelial cells, are usually static under physiological conditions but are induced to proliferate by direct exposure to angiogenic factors, for instance, vascular endothe
Esta postura foi decisiva para as alian as
Esta postura foi decisiva para as alianças confeccionadas pelas lideranças políticas e/ou religiosas (neo) pentecostais nas eleições seguintes. O apoio a Collor em 1989 e a Fernando Henrique Cardoso em 1994 teve como objetivo a oposição ao candidato Lula, do Partido dos Trabalhadores (pt), à Presidê
br A modo de conclusi n La re visi
A modo de conclusión La re/visión que se ha propuesto en el presente escrito recoge el sentido que le da Adrienne Rich al término: revisar es volver a mirar desde un posicionamiento crítico en un presente, desde el que se tiene una perspectiva (temporal) de cómo ha sido la suerte del fenómeno que
HCV does not kill the cells it
HCV does not kill the leucine enkephalin it infects, but triggers an immune-mediated inflammatory response (hepatitis) that either rapidly clears the infection or slowly destroys the liver, causing the development of HCC and cirrhosis. The outcome is largely determined by the efficiency of the anti
The pathophysiology underlying ONJ is unclear Decreased bone
The pathophysiology underlying ONJ is unclear. Decreased bone remodeling induced by bisphosphonates or inhibition of osteoclast function, which interferes with healing of the microfractures and trauma occurring after dental extraction, have been hypothesized as potential mechanisms for ONJ, but thes
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