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br El hispanismo criollo de vasconcelos br
El hispanismo criollo de vasconcelos Conclusiones: “próspero” vasconcelos Sin la disciplina personal ni el pragmatismo, inculcado por la pequeña escuela texana, Vasconcelos no hubiera logrado todo lo que se propuso desde joven. El peligro de la dispersión y la pereza latinoamericana ya lo habí
LA REVISTA DEL EXILIO EN TANTO PROYECTO CULTURAL Si bien existen estudios sobre la figura del exiliado —Agamben, Zuleta—, que consideran las variables históricas —Clara Lida y Pablo Yankelevich— y los esfuerzos de proporcionar corpus testimoniales con nuevas aproximaciones acerca del exilio, que
br Discussion Case reports of successful chemotherapy desens
Discussion Case reports of successful chemotherapy desensitizations have been described for platinum agents, taxanes, anthracyclines, rituximab [8], and cytarabine [9], but not specifically clofarabine. For older patients with relapsed AML that are not candidates to receive anthracycline therapy,
On what might an argument
On what might an argument for a fairer distribution of malaria research investment rest? The investments analysed by Head and colleagues were those made from outside of sub-Saharan Africa, not by African countries themselves, and were a mix of public funds channelled through bilateral and multilater
br Discussion IUI with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation h
Discussion IUI with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation has been used over the years as a treatment for mild male factor, anovulation, and unexplained infertility. It is less expensive and less invasive than other assisted reproductive techniques. Therefore, these advantages have made the techniq
Immunology Compound Library br Inherited Arrhythmia Clinics
10. Inherited Arrhythmia Clinics The evaluation and treatment of Immunology Compound Library suspected of having inherited arrhythmias requires a multidisciplinary team and approach. The presentation is often that of a proband or family member who has experienced a life-threatening arrhythmia,
br Outstanding questions br Conflict of
Outstanding questions Conflict of interest Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Dutch Cancer SocietyUL2015-7599 KWF (EZ). Platelets and cancer metastasis Blood platelets play a primary role in wound healing and hemostasis. Since the first observation made (on himself) by the s
Causative genes for ARVC and their respective characteristic
Causative genes for ARVC and their respective characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Desmosome genes for ARVC Other causative genes for ARVC Although more than half of ARVC patients carry mutations in desmosome genes, other genes have also been reported as causative genes for ARVC (Table
For single shot techniques like the
For single-shot techniques, like the CBA, a modified spiral mapping catheter has been introduced for the identification of PVPs prior to ablation and also for monitoring purposes during the ablation process [6]. The Achieve™ Mapping Catheter (AC) is an intra-cardiac electrophysiological diagnostic c
br Conflict of interest br Introduction Gastric cancer is
Conflict of interest Introduction Gastric cancer is a major cause of cancer deaths worldwide, particularly in East Asia. Metastatic gastric cancer is associated with poor outcomes. The median overall survival of metastatic gastric cancer ranges from 9 to 13 months despite treated with systemic
ICG which simply and non
ICG, which simply and non-invasively measures changes in thoracic impedance generated by fluctuating blood volumes during the cardiac cycle, allows for the calculation of stroke volume, CO, and other derived parameters[17]. In recent years, the accuracy of ICG has been greatly improved by the advent
br En el ciclo de novelas que de una forma
En el ciclo de novelas que de una forma u otra giran alrededor de la violencia y del narcotráfico, Cóbraselo caro atraviesa todos esos textos para preguntarse, por un lado, por la génesis de la violencia mexicana y por otro, para manifestar el deseo de una limpieza hallada en el modelo de mundo de
Diversos trabajos coinciden en mencionar el impacto positivo
Diversos trabajos coinciden en mencionar el impacto positivo que la auh ha tenido en términos de inclusión y justicia social frente AZD 8055 la situación donde sólo había asignación familiar contributiva, a partir de variables macroeconómicas como la modificación de tasas de pobreza e indigencia, un
br Materials and methods Eculizumab levels were measured at
Materials and methods Eculizumab levels were measured at Cambridge Biomedical using a manual ELISA method in which the microtitre plates are coated with C5, then blocked. Standards, controls, and unknowns were added. After incubation and washing, mouse anti-human IgG4 horseradish peroxidase (HRP)
buy Dig-11-ddUTP br Methods The prevalence of various fracti
Methods The prevalence of various fractionation schedules was extracted from each of the final articles included in the review. Other relevant information, such as significant predictive factors for the use of single fraction buy Dig-11-ddUTP therapy, changes in the prevalence of fractionation s
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